dimecres, 18 de desembre del 2013

Christmas with Alison

Last Monday Elia's mum came to our English class. She explained to the children how British people celebrate Christmas. As you know, she is from England. She talked about Christmas Day, Christmas food, decorations, Father Christmas... and all items related to Christmas traditions and customs. It was a great experience and children not only learned but also enjoyed it!!! 

Parental involvement in the classroom is a good opportunity to contribute to children's academic success. Teachers can promote it but some parents need encouragement to take the first step!!! 

Thanks for sharing your time, your knowledge and your experience with us Alison!

dilluns, 28 d’octubre del 2013


Happy Halloween children!!!

It's time for decorating classrooms and going out to give people a scare!
On Thursday the 31st we will have a party at the break time. 6th grade students are going to prepare the Halloween Magic Potion. 

Have you ever tried it??? If you bring 1 euro you will taste it!!! 

 Magic potion-Halloween Illustration Design Wallpaper 

We hope you will enjoy and have a great day!!!

dimecres, 13 de febrer del 2013


Tomorrow, 14th February, is Valentine's day!!! A special day to show love, kindness, and appreciation for others. As we know, some of the best gifts are free.

dimarts, 12 de febrer del 2013

Our first 3rd grade Miró creations

We are working on Joan Miró's Project in our 3rd grade Art class. We have investigated on his paintings and children have just created their first Miró. Have a look at their fantastic paintings!

3rd grade student paintings called "Flying Birds"

divendres, 25 de gener del 2013

Without You "David Guetta"

On Wednesday the 30th of January, we will celebrate the "Peace Day". Let's practise one of the songs we are going to sing all together that special day!